Malines: The First Conversation 281 Halifax, however, was determined to publish, and A Call to Reunion, on appearing, brought him at least as many com- mendations as criticisms. Mercier, though much cumbered with the business of his diocese, read the Introduction from end to end. I have thanked God for it from the bottom of my heart [he wrote on September 2Gth]. ... I cannot delay by one day the homage of my religious gratitude to you and my assurance that I shall pray more urgently than ever for *the reunion of Christen- dom.'30 ' He ended by suggesting the last week in October as a date for the next meeting. Halifax, owing to an impending opera- tion to his eyes, was unable to accept the invitation. Had I been able [he wrote] to come to Malines as your Emin- ence so kindly suggests, what I should have ventured to urge with all the earnestness of which I am capable is that your Eminence should have informed the Pope of all that has passed and has been written, and brought before His Holiness the possibility of carry- ing out what had been the first intention of Leo XIII, and to have authorised the necessary steps to secure such conferences, perhaps under the presidency of your Eminence, with Anglicans named by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in order to consider the possibility of taking such steps as might lead to the reconciliation of England with Rome and the general reunion of Christendom.41 Some months ago [Mercier answered] I received, by an author- ised but confidential voice, the assurance that our exchanges of opinion were approved at the Vatican and that their continuance would be viewed with favour. But, in accordance with your de- clarations, repeated in your Introduction, I had represented our three amiable visitors at Malines on the 6th-pth December, 1921, as private persons, distinguished as was their position in England and in the Church of England. Now I hope from your letter that the Anglicans with whom we should be conversing next time would be * Anglicans named by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in order to consider, etc... .***